
coursework for COMP 125

Course assessment will continue throughout the semester.

If you have any questions on the following assessments, please contact me.


  • assessment will include a combination of semester’s quizzes or exercises (1), and final demo and report (2)
    • final demo
      • presentation and demo
    • final report
      • outline design and development for the semester
      • applied concepts and structures
    • max. 3 persons per group
      • group report must clearly define each student’s work and contributions, where applicable
        • no attribution, no mark
  • Final Report Outline - PDF Document

Assessed coursework will include the following primary categories:

1. quizzes or exercises at the end of each course section (70%)
  • course quizzes
    • average time ~30 minutes
    • must be taken in-class
  • exercises
    • help develop course understanding
    • test course knowledge at each stage
  • extras
    • code and application reviews
    • various other assessments

2. final assessment (30%)
  • develop an app concept and prototype
  • working app (as close as possible…)
    • must use technologies outlined during the course
  • show and explain code used to develop the app
  • explain design decisions
    • describe patterns used in design of app
    • layout choices…
  • show and explain implemented differences
    • where and why did you update the app?
    • perceived benefits of the updates?

Important assessment dates

  • final team demo
    • during final week of semester
    • Wednesday 24th April and Friday 26th April 2019
  • final project report
    • due Friday 3rd May 2019 @ 1.25pm


Grades will be issued for appropriate weekly or section tasks, where applicable, and for each of the core assessments listed above.

A composite grade will then be available at the end of the semester for the overall class.

n.b. general class attendance is monitored, and it will be considered towards the final grade.

Grades will use the following scale,

  • 100% to 91% = A
  • 90% to 81% = A-
  • 80% to 71% = B+
  • 70% to 61% = B
  • 60% to 51% = B-
  • 50% to 41% = C
  • 40% to 31% = C-
  • 30% to 0% = F